Meet Dr. Casteel

Dr Catherine Casteel for Rockwall City Council Place 1

My husband joined the military shortly after we started our family, which afforded us the opportunity to travel the world. Later, I began pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor. With two kids and a backpack, I set off on my journey to medical school.

After earning my degrees, I underwent the rigor of residency training at Hunt Regional Medical Center in Greenville, Texas—one of the nation’s top residency programs. This PM&S-36 program provided extensive surgical training, during which I assisted orthopedic surgeons and handled foot and ankle trauma cases in the emergency department.

Throughout my training, I performed complex surgeries alongside podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons across the Dallas metropolitan area, equipping me with an extensive surgical skill set in both forefoot and rearfoot procedures. As a resident, I participated in approximately 3,000 foot and ankle surgical procedures. My exposure to podiatrists from diverse demographics and backgrounds allowed me to develop a variety of treatment approaches, enabling me to provide customized care for my patients.

During my third year, my research was recognized with the publication of several articles I had written. Additionally, I completed a fellowship in Germany and at the University of Iowa, specializing in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery.

Now, I am eager to put my attention to detail, proven leadership skills, and commitment to service to work for our community. Rockwall desperately needs leaders who are as passionate as I am about ensuring carefully planned growth, safe neighborhoods, and opportunities for success. My background in healthcare, experience in solving complex problems, and ability to collaborate with people who hold different perspectives provide a unique skill set that will be impactful in addressing the needs of our residents and businesses as we plan for our city’s future.

My husband and I raised our two grown children all over the world before finally calling Rockwall TX. home. We have invested our lives heavily in this community that has given so much to us.

I look forward to earning your support and the opportunity to serve as your Rockwall City Council Member, Place 1.

Preserving Our Way of Life While Planning for the Future